Morne Olivier
6 min readJan 6, 2019

My Cryptocurrency | My Investment and Passive Income for 2019: Part 1


My reasoning for starting this Blog was not to convince anyone to think about #Crypto and #Blockchain as a future alternative to paper money. I rather wanted to share my experiences with the Crypto market during 2018 and my thoughts ahead. I want to help the newcomers or (Newbies) gain access to this new #Technology by making fewer mistakes, cut spending time and stay secure.

Please read my #Disclaimer as my articles are my own thoughts/ideas and you should always “Do Your Own Research”, (#DYOR)

My Portfolio | Phase 1: Securing my strongest assets.

This is a summary of my choices and why. I will break it down with an article on each in 2019.

I decided to build myself an investment portfolio from the bottom up with a strong foundation. My Foundation consists of NEO #NEO, KOMODO #KMD, WAVES #WAVES, ETHEREUM #ETH, EOS.IO #EOS, ARK #ARK & XLM #XLM

During the course of 2019, I will be adding #BITCOIN and #STELLER. In order to balance my portfolio further. I also want to invest in some common world stock assets. With the current fall of prices, I will be keeping an eye on IBM, MICROSOFT, APPLE, SP500, AMAZON & SILVER to name a few.

How did I make my Digital Asset, (Cryptocurrency) choices?

Let us start with the mistakes I made. Twitter FOMO! YES, it was bad. I basically went onto the Binance Exchange and made trades based on what some guys on Twitter called “going to the moon” or going long on a “cup & handle”. It was crazy, but I was obsessed with my new found knowledge of “Trading” and in my mind getting rich.

I am not saying it is impossible and the thoughts still linger in the back of my mind of hitting the big one, but really it if you are new to this, you will need to come in with a mindset of “I don’t care if I lose this money”, be diligent in securing your funds and do the research that is required for any normal financial investment and more.

I did get a lucky break during this time and to be clear I could have lost it all too. TRON “the pump machine” #TRX gave me a nice profit just after I found out that TETHER (USDT) was the stable coin you transfer to and so to speak “Lock in your profits”.

My research in the first few months and knowledge I consequently built up didn’t, however, go to waste as I got to know who to trust and where to go look for information. My foundation of choices only materialized by September of 2018 after I accumulated coins rather than worry about the value.

Bitcoin is the biggest word in Crypto. Peoples first comment during 2018 when entering the subject of #Bitcoin was “Have you seen Bitcoin crash!” or “What a Ponzi Scam”. People like to point out the negative, play on the week. To be honest, I don’t have much Bitcoin in my foundation yet, it’s still expensive no matter how you look at it, but here is a secret if you are new to Crypto. You can buy it in small amounts like 0.00006548BTC. This is one of the aspects of Crypto that makes it so inviting, anyone can buy some particle of it. I have quite a bit scattered over exchanges and my plan to clean up in 2019 and get my BTC sorted is a big priority before it starts to “rise from the dead”.

To put Bitcoin in perspective for you here is a link to a very good write up that will explain a lot, thanks to Nic Carter’s article Media Coverage of Bitcoin is Still a Total Disaster.

In October I decided to fix my assets and installed the #wallets that would hold my future wealth. My decision to invest in,

NEO (#NEO) a Blockchain Platform, KOMODO (#KMD) a Privacy Coin, WAVES (#WAVES) a Protocol / Exchange & ARK (#ARK) a Protocol Exchange / STEEM (#STEEM) Blockchain Platform, was based on their Passive Crypto Income #PCI capabilities. I also viewed these Crypto’s as Low Risk. In the words of most of the wealthy, like Warren buffet “your money should work for you”. With these Crypto’s you accumulate tokens or GAS by Staking or Leasing your Tokens, giving you a weekly or monthly income for free. Your “dividends” are relative to the amount you have secured and these investments require you to download their wallets and hold it in there for certain Periods of time.

Staking or Leasing is the easiest way to earn extra Cryptocurrency for Free. More advanced methods you can consider later would be Mining or getting involved with Larger Node platforms. The big question at the moment is will Proof of Work (PoW) or Proof of Stake (PoS) take Blockchain into 2019 with the scalability it requires for its advanced success.

I drew my Passive Income conclusion over the course of 2018 following various websites and doing countless research, almost to the point of being obsessed. My decisions were based on some of these factors.

· I have always tracked China’s Center for Information and Industry Development (CCID) as an Eastern measure and you can find the latest article on their top 33 Cryptocurrencies here on

· The Periodic Table for Crypto was a chart that really put the Crypto space into perspective for me. It points out where these top Crypto companies belong in the Technological Ecosystem.

· These investments had to be older than 2 years, established with a strong work case plans or an existing working Technology with practical everyday implementations. I also looked at the Team behind the company, (and not just on their LinkedIn pages) there Technical skills and what their relationship with their Governments was and are today?

·These platforms were from different parts of the world with different functions. I needed to cover various aspects of the Blockchain, “Not have all my eggs in one basket”.

· Various reading platforms like Medium to get different perspectives on the Companies.

Other Research platforms to start from:

Coinmarketcap and Coingekko. They will give you up to date information and for me was always a better-trusted option to start from going to websites and the companies Social Media platforms with a quick overview of chart metrics. To keep a balance Investopedia has a good overall perspective on Global economy.

Tradingview is my site of choice when it comes to looking and planning charts. I wanted to be the world’s best trader at some stage late one night, but well I am happy to have learned what I have from charting and being able to read for myself what I think will happen, this way I cannot blame anyone else. Babypips will teach you a lot about charting.

Two more good sites, for now, is Myetherscan and for tracking your transactions, “The Google” of Blockchain.

#Tip: Don’t follow any link or just click on the first available website. A dot or exchange of a “b” to a “d” in a word is so easy to miss when you are scrolling and excited to find something.

Example: / / — Stay Aware out there, this is, after all, Crypto!, the New Frontier.

There you are my foundation. This article gives you enough information to go and start your research and enough time for me to go write my next article on Phase 2 of my Investment Plan.

How to buy Cryptocurrency and what belongs on the 2nd Tier? Next

I use Referral Links for Cost Saving & Safety purposes to you. Any Passive Income earned from Links has 0% effect on your earnings thereafter.

Important Links to know about me:

About Morne Olivier





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Morne Olivier
Morne Olivier

Written by Morne Olivier

#Blockchain & #Cryptocurrency | #Freelance #Writer For #PassiveCryptoIncome #PCI by #MorneOlivier

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