Business2Blockchain | Strengthen Your Business by Securing it on a Blockchain

Morne Olivier
8 min readDec 14, 2020


Business2Blockchain | Strengthen Your Business by Securing it on a Blockchain


Just a little over a year ago I started Business2Blockchain with the idea of connecting businesses and entrepreneurs to this new Blockchain Technology. It was over 4 years ago when I went searching for a better, easier, faster, cheaper way to receive money on my E-Commerce site and found Bitcoin.

Four years ago, people looked at you in a funny way, (like you were doing something wrong), when mentioning Bitcoin. Of Course, now it’s a bit different, Bitcoin is still around, we can pay with it more freely at shops, we can receive it on our E-Commerce sites, and we have learned that after its halving it does live up to expectations, therefore I think the next 4 years with a Bitcoin Address, will prove to be very interesting indeed.

Bitcoin is on the other hand a Blockchain, and Blockchain’s are built to transact on, secure information, provide transparency, with an immutable data trail. Blockchains are far better solutions than current Software and Legacy Systems. It seems however too much for most to understand or to want to understand.

Entrepreneurs see opportunities, just like I did 4 years ago. We think of it in a way that translates it as a “commodity”, a format that enables change to improve our lives and how we interact with our daily work and social activities.

Taking this into account I knew that I had to learn as much as possible about the Technology and find an avenue in this industry to position myself to grow and earn with it. Business2Blockchain that started out as a consultancy and content provider, but now stands in 7 areas where we can provide actionable solutions with Blockchain integrations. It is no longer a case of “can Blockchain do this or that?” it is more a case of “which Blockchain solutions can I choose, to scale my offering or product past my competitors?”

Business2Blockchain | Strengthen Your Business by Securing it on a Blockchain

This is of course why I started Business2Blockchain, and with a Global trusted network of Blockchain Partnerships, Colleagues, and Communities, my Global office is proving worthy of delivering what we set out to do a year ago…

“Provide you with the best solution to

1. Develop a Clear Customer Proposition

2. Solve a Real Problem

3. Ensure the Proposition is Better than the Alternative

4. and Help You Scale!”

The Compound Annual Growth Rate of Blockchain Tecnology sinece 2016 YTD was 61.5%. 2021 will see a massive escalation of new technology rollouts as the development of systems are concluded and consumer demands drive faster, easier, secure, and accessible solutions for all!

Business2Blockchain | Strengthen Your Business by Securing it on a Blockchain

We start each project with a Viability Proposition: (This stage is generally free of charge)

  • 1. Project Analysis Overview
  • 2. Engage relative SaaS & BaaS Partners — Match & Availability
  • 3. Project Development Overview.
  • 4. Phase1/2/3 Overview.
  • 5. Project Functional Design & Organogram Overview.
  • 6. Capital Outlay & Fundraising Overview.
Business2Blockchain | Strengthen Your Business by Securing it on a Blockchain

Product or Project Engagement & Agreement:

From $25/hr Long Term to $50/hr Short Term Engagements

1. Corporate Branding, Introduction & Business Presentation

2. Project Functional Design & Organogram.

3. Project SaaS & BaaS Partnerships & Development Teams

4. Project Go to Market Strategy & Investor Memorandum

5. Project Financial Forecast & Capital Resources

6. Project Profile, Marketing Strategy & Team Building

Business2Blockchain | Strengthen Your Business by Securing it on a Blockchain

Principles We Work By

1. Customer Solutions

2. Customer Cost

3. Customer Convenience

4. Communication

Business2Blockchain | Strengthen Your Business by Securing it on a Blockchain

The areas we work in:

1. Information Integrity

2. Security and Fraud

3. Human Resources

4. Fintech

5. Tech Stack

6. Fractional Ownership of Digital Assets

7. Corporate Identity

Some of our Integration Areas:

Payment, Finance, Supply Chain, Admin, Retail, Insurance, Realty, Agriculture, Aviation, Fractional Ownership

Business2Blockchain | Strengthen Your Business by Securing it on a Blockchain

1) Business2Blockchain | Information Integrity

Move your Data to more secure Platforms built on Blockchains where Information is Immutable, Transparent, and Secure.

Business2Blockchain | Strengthen Your Business by Securing it on a Blockchain

2) Business2Blockchain | Security and Fraud

Your number 1 Priority is Cyber Security. We offer Fraud Detection, Prevention & Implementation. Added Value Background Checks of emerging Technologies like Blockchains.

Business2Blockchain | Strengthen Your Business by Securing it on a Blockchain

3) Business2Blockchain | Human Recourses

Human Recourses are Invaluable. We offer exclusive IT and Blockchain Headhunting services through partnering with the best Search Professionals Currently in the South African Technology space.

Business2Blockchain | Strengthen Your Business by Securing it on a Blockchain

4) Business2Blockchain | Fintech

One of Blockchain’s best functionalities is to transact. Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)

This enables transactions to be done:

• Faster

• Cheaper

• No Borders with instant Global access

• Transparency that cannot be changed

Our Fintech solutions look at how Blockchain Stable Coins, Digital Assets, and Token Economies can scale payment gateways.

Business2Blockchain | Strengthen Your Business by Securing it on a Blockchain

Integration is made possible through Open-Source API and Partnerships with Open Banking, KYC/AML & other 3d Party SaaS. Our Fintech solutions look at how Blockchain Stable Coins, Digital Assets, and Token Economies can scale payment gateways.

Business2Blockchain | Strengthen Your Business by Securing it on a Blockchain

Our Current Top Projects Launching in Q1 2021

Bmoney App | Scaling Remittance

1) Bmoney2Blockchain

Our Bmoney App will be Scaling Remittance. Sending & Receiving Fiat Value for the User is easy to Anyone, Anywhere, (phase 1 South Africa), Bank or no Bank account. We will also empower the user to become a fractional owner of Digital Currencies.

“The solution can Scale with any Digital Payment infrastructure, Online E-Commerce & Merchant POS.”

Good for Great | Securing Donations

2) Good for Great Ltd

Our GoodforGreat.Tech (GFG) will be Securing Donations to NPO’s.

Automated Rounding of Funds to NPO’s is being done…, but we will do it Better!

• Trusted, Transparent, & Secure Integrity!

• Driving the World of Donations with Fintech Innovation.

• Through Easy App Access to Ensure Fair Distribution.

• Trusted Supplier Procurement Risk Management with a

• Comprehensive Audit Trail, from the DLT.

“The Platform can be scaled into any Donation, Disaster or Living Planet Fund Management System.”

Business2Blockchain | Strengthen Your Business by Securing it on a Blockchain

Our Current Top Projects we are putting together.

“N” Token — Digitizing Food Supply Chain.

AVIATION — Fractional Ownership of Plains, Drones, Inventory, and beyond.

FINANCE — Hedge Fund Integration to Digital Assets.

Business2Blockchain | Strengthen Your Business by Securing it on a Blockchain


• Tender — Competitive Bidding

• Supplier — Compliance Management

• Smart Procurement — Pre-Approved

• Vendor Risk & Compliance Management


• Preparing — Background checks & Procurement

• Protection — Insurance

• Ownership — Fractional Property Shares & Loans

  • Transfers — Deceased Estate’s
Business2Blockchain | Strengthen Your Business by Securing it on a Blockchain

5) Business2Blockchain | Tech Stack

Our Tech stack is directly correlated to our Blockchain and Technology partnerships, allowing us to make and match the perfect teams. Areas include Development, Data Management, Payment Solutions, Procurement, Digitization.

Business2Blockchain | Strengthen Your Business by Securing it on a Blockchain

6) Business2Blockchain | Fractional Ownership of Digital Assets

Individual, Retail, or Institutional:

Our research provides a thorough insight into Blockchain Digital Assets and the Technology behind them. This will empower you to distinguish between the credibility of the Blockchains and the values that are being created on them.

With clear knowledge and understanding, you will be able to engage with Blockchain Digital Assets in a safe and secure way.

Business2Blockchain | Strengthen Your Business by Securing it on a Blockchain

7) Business2Blockchain | Corporate Identity

Being involved in different new projects and start-ups, I saw the need for Corporate Branding to take shape as these new platforms got built out. I partnered with the best Design Agency as she remodeled my Logo and Corporate Identity. We offer this service to our clients and any new business venture.

Business2Blockchain | Strengthen Your Business by Securing it on a Blockchain

Get in Touch!

“I look forward to hearing your ideas and matching them with the best Technology Solutions that are available”

Business2Blockchain | Strengthen Your Business by Securing it on a Blockchain

You can mail me for any inquiries or always find me on LinkedIn

Morne Olivier LinkedIn

Blockchain 101

What is Blockchain?

Data that gets secured into a sized unit until the unit (“Block”) is full. The next empty Block is created and filled with Data. The Blocks are linked, (“Blockchain”). Once secured in the “Block”, the Data is tamper-proof.

The Data can be used as a Store of Value or through an automated Coded Contract, (“Smart Contract”) execute pre-determined workflows when certain criteria are met.

Business2Blockchain | Strengthen Your Business by Securing it on a Blockchain

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a Blockchain (a Distributed Ledger Technology, DLT) Which means transactions, (be it of value or just information) takes place on it in a transparent, traceable, and immutable way. Blockchain Technology is decentralized, giving it advantages over current centralized services.

Business2Blockchain | Strengthen Your Business by Securing it on a Blockchain

It is typical to integrate Blockchain Technology with current SaaS systems as a value-added tool to assist in time and cost management.

Business2Blockchain | Strengthen Your Business by Securing it on a Blockchain

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain?

Cryptocurrencies are the Digital Asset vehicles providing faster and more secure transactions to old legacy systems in Banks and Insurance institutions. Fintech Solutions provides ample proof of this as agile remote start-ups find real solutions to people’s problems. COVID-19 has scaled the advancement of these solutions as touchless, frictionless with transparent distribution is demonstrated. Generally, Cryptocurrency is the “stock value” of a Blockchain, is highly volatile, and should be professionally researched. Tokens are generally created as internal value transfer mechanisms to facilitate just that.

Business2Blockchain | Strengthen Your Business by Securing it on a Blockchain



Morne Olivier

#Blockchain & #Cryptocurrency | #Freelance #Writer For #PassiveCryptoIncome #PCI by #MorneOlivier