Business2Blockchain | Consultancy Services

Morne Olivier
2 min readAug 7, 2020


Business2Blockchain Consultancy Services

Business2Blockchain Consultancy Services


Hi, my name is Morne Olivier and my company Business2Blockchain, provides bespoke Technology Services to Improve Your Business.

Our Vertical Offering:

1. Information Integrity: Consultation to Match the best People and Services.

2. Security and Fraud: Find, Identify, and Educate to Scale the Solution.

3. Human Resources: Recruitment, Consultancy, and Micro GetSIRVIS placement.

4. Fintech: Designing new ways to think about Value and Exchanging that Value.

5. Technology Stack: Integrating, Enabling, and Developing the Best Solutions with Blockchain Software.

Our Horizontal Offering:

ü We investigate and Identify where new Technologies, (like Blockchain Software), can make a difference in key areas, such as

§ Data Integrity and Fraud Security.

§ Education Management of Credentials, Qualifications, Assessments, and Examinations.

§ Bespoke Search Services, Recruit and Employ.

§ Business Auditing, Stock, and Risk Management.

§ Transparency and Traceability.

§ Automating and Digitizing, Financial, Estate, Insurance, and Property Sectors.

ü We look at product design and development, take it through an easy but effective process into Beta and to Market.

§ Blockchain fit design: Implementation, Enable, Educate through easy to use Dashboard integration.

§ Consumer fit market: Implementation, Enable, Educate through easy to use App integration.

§ Marketing fit mythologies for longevity: Drafting Summarized Business Models to strategize and evolve from.

From the CEO:

My Vision for a long time has been one of building my business with integrity and sharing that vision with our partners and clients we provide services for.

Our Goal, therefore, is to cultivate long term relationships by endeavoring long term goals.

This approach I believe will be far more valuable to everyone than any other alternatives.”

M Olivier

#business2blockchain #softwarecosultancy #blockchainconsultancy



Morne Olivier

#Blockchain & #Cryptocurrency | #Freelance #Writer For #PassiveCryptoIncome #PCI by #MorneOlivier